Setting up your meta tags correctly is extremely important for site promotion. SEORUS SEO Melbourne advises that to make sure that your website is properly indexed and ranked, work on writing and mapping out meta tags before the project release (just after the semantic core is complete). However, the works do not end here – you need to write meta tags throughout the entire period of site promotion as you run it.
Sometimes, small changes in metadata are enough for a site to reach the TOP 10 in SERP and SERP features. This is especially true for low-frequency queries. At the same time, you will never reach top positions if meta tags are missing or improperly done. So, let’s check what is special about the site’s metadata and how to compile it in the best way.
Meta Tags As an Important Component of Your Online Project

The correct filling of the meta tags on the site is very important for the SEO promotion of any platform. When developing a website, meta tags must be taken into account. They are to be added to the source code of each page, to correspond to the page context, and to match the customer queries. Correct filling of meta tags is especially helpful in promoting LF queries. One of the main rules for composing SEO tags is their uniqueness. There should be no duplication of meta tag values on any page of the site; search engines do not like such manipulations or cheating. The absence of basic meta tags on the page negatively affects site performance as well.
Although metadata are not required when writing the code of the site pages, their presence is an important criterion for the SEO site promotion.
Meta Title Tag
This is the most important tag that influences website promotion. Thus, you can affect site performance and ranking by simply using keywords in the entry. In most cases, a meta title is a text used in the title of the snippet; it introduces page engine to search engines and helps robots understand what the page is about and what type of web-material it features.
SEO Requirements
There are a couple of tech specs for a meta title to make it perform effectively:
- The title should be unique on all pages of the site and not repeat the title tag on the pages of other sites (for this, you can add the name of the company at the end of the title tag).
- The title should reflect the essence of the page, be informative, and concise.
- It should contain keywords that the page is being promoted for. Make sure that the most important KW’s are placed at the beginning of the tag.
- Don’t include too many keywords in your title.
- The content of the Title and H1 tags should be different. They are made for different purposes: a meta title is a text for the snippet, whereas the H1 tag is the heading of the web page.
- Do not use special characters until you are sure they are supported.
- The optimal meta title length is between 30 and 65 characters. Google focuses on pixel length, with a suggested length of 200 to 571 pixels. If the meta title tag is longer, then an ellipsis appears in the snippet, which also takes up additional space in the title. It can appear at the end of the snippet title or at the beginning. A short meta title is also bad since it has minimal SEO weight.
- It makes no sense to adhere to the optimal values of the title length for service pages on the site that are NOT promoted.
It is critically important to have a meta title tag in place for key pages and LP on your website to make sure that these are ranked high and are easy to find by customers. In the case the title tag is missing or empty, a search engine doesn’t know by what keyword or inquiry to rank your page. That’s why your page will have a lower position on SERP.
Meta Description Tag

The meta description tag is a short description of the site page that is displayed under the meta title tag in the search engine results. However, it is not visible to visitors on the page itself. It is taken into account by search engines to determine the content of the page to be used by the algorithm in search results ranking of the site.
SEO Requirements
Just like a title tag, a meta description should meet specific requirements in order for a page to perform well:
- It should reflect the essence of the page and be written as a consistent text.
- A meta description must be unique for all pages of the site, without duplicating similar tags on other sites.
- In the tag, you need to use the keyword entries the page is being promoted for; however, all KWs should be naturally integrated. Having a list of keywords separated by commas will hardly work.
- The content of the description tag must not repeat the meta title.
- The description must be at least 70 and more than 150-200 characters long. Google defines the length in pixels; the optimal length is 400 to 930 pixels.
- The most important information, keyword entries, and phrases should be placed at the beginning of the meta description.
Final Say!
If you want to ensure stable and high traffic to your online resource, then you are to write and correctly compose title and description tags. For this, it is important that you have a relevant list of keywords, stick to the recommended length, and make sure that the two tags are unique.