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How Explainer Videos can Improve your SEO Ranking


Well! There are tremendous ways that can help you improve your marketing strategy and drive conversions. But improving website SEO is one of the simplest and productive ways to generate excellent results. If your website SEO is strong, you can see yourself in the first page of Google. 

Indeed, there are various conventional methods that can boost SEO(Search engine optimization), but one of the easiest, fruitful, and cost-effective ways to paramount your website ranking is explainer videos. 

Choosing the right explainer video for business will help you achieve the holy grail of SEO. Below are some of the statistics that will make you realize the importance of incorporating an explainer video in your marketing strategy.

  • Landing pages that have explainer videos will help you convert better by 86%.
  • Video is 50 times more effective for driving search results.
  • 80% of the customers make a plan to buy a product after watching an appealing video.
  • 64% of the owners believe that explainer videos help you boost sales.
  • Explainer videos have 50x times more chances to stay at the top of Google ranking. 

Are you still pondering over the reasons how explainer videos can help you achieve search engine ranking goals?

7 Reasons How Explainer Videos can Boost your Website SEO

Let’s get started… 

Get More Quality Backlinks 

Well! It’s really impossible to put yourself on the top of search results as Google algorithms keep on changing. But backlink is one of the common practices that will always help you achieve SEO ranking goals. Remember, the more quality backlinks, the higher the website searches. 

And when it comes to generating backlinks, content plays a huge role. By sharing fantastic video content relevant to the website will help you generate high-quality backlinks. Through video backlinks, you can share tremendous features and benefits in a short and alluring way that will further drive the direct audience to your website. 

Increase Website traffic 

There are no two opinions about the fact that explainer videos help in increasing website traffic. As per the statistics, video content is 50% more powerful in generating traffic to the website. 

Remember, the more the website traffic, the higher the chances to increase website conversions. Also, audiences are more interested in learning the concert in a crisp and entertaining way, which is only possible through explainer videos. If the audience finds your content more effective, they will most likely share it with their friends and relatives, which will further increase your website’s organic traffic.

Once your video goes viral, then you can easily expect bulk visitors to your website, which will further allow you to achieve your business goals.

Increase Click-through rate

Click-through rate is one of the other factors that clearly demonstrate the success of marketing campaigns. Basically, it is the ratio of the people visiting your website to all the website users. Remember, the higher the click-through rate, the better the search ranking. 

Now, if I am not wrong you might be thinking about how to increase the click-through rate. Well! An explainer video is one of the best answers. Explainer videos are one of the most educational, powerful, and entertaining content that are more likely to be clicked by the audience. 

If you also want to increase your website’s click-through rate, then start leveraging explainer videos’ power in your marketing strategy. 

Search engine loves Videos

When it comes to Google preferences, then video content is on the top list. Google prioritizes the content that includes a video in it. By posting relevant video content that includes specific keywords, you can easily improve the chances to keep your website in the top searches. 

Do you know that youtube is the second most popular search engine only because it is using videos to educate the visitors and grab their attention? So, suppose you also want to drive a huge amount of website traffic. In that case, you can post exciting and informative explainer videos as it will not only generate more traffic to your website but also boost website conversions. 

Maximize customers retention rate 

Retaining customers on the website for longer is one of the most challenging tasks. Do you also think the same? If yes, then the explainer video is for you. 

Basically, Google tracks the time spent by the visitors on the website. If the time spent is more, then google ranks that specific page in the top searches. And when you share explainer videos, then you can inspire the audience to convert the visitor into a lead.

By sharing a 2-minute explainer video, you can easily retain the audience. Also, sometimes it further inspires the audience to even watch the videos more than once. So, make sure your website includes valuable content as it will further rank your website accordingly.

Generate Social Signals

Social signals are another significant factor that is considered by Google in determining the SEO ranking of your website. If your social presence is more, you can easily peak your brand’s popularity without investing huge efforts. 

Thinking about how to optimize your social signals? Well! by publishing explainer videos on multiple platforms, you can easily broaden your reach and generate revenue. 

According to the research, 91% of the marketers found that their ROI results are satisfying after using explaining videos. So, if you also want to uplift your business revenue and generate sales, then uplift your social signals by sharing the right explainer video at the right time. 

Improves blog quality 

When it comes to website improvement and traffic, then blogs also help in taking your business to the next level. 

Do you know that the companies that are promoting blogs get 97% more links to the website? But if you think that normal text can boost your business productivity, then it’s not the same. The effectiveness of visual content and audio content is more productive than others. 

Therefore, the website pages or blogs that include videos, especially those with well-executed video editing, have more chances to attract visitors and consequently retain them on your web pages for longer.

Remember, the more people like your content and stay on it, the more the chances that Google will rank your website in top searches. 

Prefer Reading- How important is the frequency of blogs updates for SEO ranking?

The Last Say 

Hopefully, the above reasons are enough to make you feel confident that the explainer video is a great opportunity to acquire a top position on Google.

Explainer videos are multi-functional. It not only helps you grab visitors’ attention and build strong customer relations but also it allows you to enjoy the sweet flavor of organic ranking. Whenever you create a video, make sure it is created by keeping your target audience in mind, shared on the right platform. 

Excited to offer your business numerous benefits with awesome explainer videos? Go ahead… 

Still, if you are new to explainer videos, you can always help the best expl

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